First Peek! Youth Over Flowers in Africa Teaser 2


This teaser trailer of Youth Over Flowers in Africa is sooo much better than the first; I cannot get enough of it. The boys —  Park Bo Gum, Go Kyung Pyo, Ahn Jae Hong and Ryu Jun Yeol look like they have plentiful fun on their ‘road trip’.

There’s even kissing scenes between Bo Gum and Jun Yeol. What the hell is that for, I have no idea. We’ll have to tune in to find out. The boys look really close—there are hugging, laughing together, BOBO-ing, skinny dipping and feeding scenes.

In the teaser, there is one scene Bo Gum looks upset, with pouty lips for that matter, sulking on something, and Jun Yeol gives him a side-hug and a quick peck on the face. Aww. Then in another scene, Bo Gum backhugs Jun Yeol, and gave him a BOBO on the face. I am so jealous right now.

Teaser Trailer 2

Well. Like the Iceland bunch, these boys ran out of undies. Their conversation about undies crack me up, too.

RJY: Bo Gum, do you have undies?
PBG: No…
AJH: Undies are extremely expensive in Africa.
GKP: Both Jun Yeol and I are not wearing undies.

Go Kyung Pyo then tells Bo Gum to look behind his seat, and there it hangs his undies. Park Bo Gum cracks up laughing. Jun Yeol tells Bo Gum to take it off too if he feels unease. Next we know, all boys took off their undies in the pool. Now I gotta make sure I download 1080p to see if I can spot anything when those scenes air. LOL!

6 more days till it premieres… let the countdown begins!


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