A Peek into Park Bo Gum’s New CF — VPROVE


Congrats to Park Bo Gum on the account of 3 successes recently. First for achieving high rating for his first leading drama; second for topping 8 various music charts since the release of his first OST ‘My Person’ this morning, and third for a new CF, as the model of cosmetic VPROVE. He is going to be a hotter potato in the CF industry once he completes Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, and officially free from hectic filming. I don’t even doubt that right now Blossom Entertainment may be receiving drama and movie scripts and more CF offers left, right and centre.

Back to VPROVE, not a brand I am familiar with, but they have been very generous to release 3 video clips all in one go of Bo Gum. So let’s take a look at our Captain Park Star Trek.

BTS Filming Clip #1

BTS Filming Clip #2


Oh wait. He’s probably Captain V since he’s got a V on the suit. So what can V stand for?  Verify? Vain? Vanquish? Vanity?

Nobody comes near that lips but me, otherwise you have mad Cony to deal with! LOL

Seriously, this boy keeps pouting his lips and when I screencap and was picking images to upload, I notice belatedly that I’m pouting my own too. LOLLLOLLL I *subconsciously* must really want to smooch that succulent peach lips.  😝

No. Don’t even try to transfigurate yourself into an apple this time so that you can get near those lips.

LOLLL don’t even need to understand Korean to know he must be apologising again.

Source: IG | FB | YT

2 thoughts on “A Peek into Park Bo Gum’s New CF — VPROVE

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  1. Kidding aside,

    Bo Gum-ah, heartfelt congratulations for achieving the ALL KILL for your first debut as a singer. You might not know this, but I’ve been listening to your song nonstop since yesterday and the iPod told me that I’ve been playing your song for 101th time this morning 09.00 Indonesia time. And I am unable to listen to other song at the moment. Your voice has melted my ears that now I have to install a new pair of ears. Never before have I listened to a voice that can make me see/feel the emotions so very clearly.
    You deserve every success you earn right now. Keep being awesome and cool and single.

    Liked by 1 person

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